Hydrogen Peroxide Detection
Lumigen HyPerBlu Chemiluminescent Reagent is a novel ready-to-use substrate for the direct detection of hydrogen peroxide.
Reaction of the substrate with hydrogen peroxide rapidly generates sustained high-intensity luminescence for maximum detection sensitivity in solution assays.
Coupled with oxidases the Lumigen HyPerBlu substrate also allows one step indirect quantitation of oxidase substrates or the oxidase itself.
Lumigen HyPerBlu substrate is suitable for automation and miniaturization to 384-well or 1536-well format.
Lumigen HyPerBlu reagents wide tolerance for common assay additives (eg DMSO), lack of intermediaries, chemical specificity, one-component structure and excellent stability lead to assay simplicity, excellent robustness and unmatched convenience for high throughput screening laboratories.Direct detection of peroxide, oxidase enzymes or their substrates
Single ready-to-use reagent formulation with long stability for convenience.
Broad dynamic range with bright sustained chemiluminescence.
Excellent sensitivity in solution assays.
Catalogue Number Size Price UK Pounds Price Euros
HPB-00005 5ml 325.00 455.00
HPB-00100 100ml 995.00 1393.00
HPB-01000 1000ml 5650.00 7910.00