PA (224-233), Influenza

Ontores Biotechnologies

Category : Virus Peptide

Purity : 95%

Sequence (One Letter Code) : SSLENFRAYV

Sequence (Three letter Code) : {Ser}{Ser}{Leu}{Glu}{Asn}{Phe}{Arg}{Ala}{Tyr}{Val}

This is a murine H-2 Db- and Kb-restricted immunodominant CTL epitope of influenza PR8 virus. The CD8+ T cells recovered by the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from PR8-infected animals responded dominantly to stimulation with NP366-374 and PA224-233.

Mol Wt : 1185.29

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£117.00 / €163.80 ONP10884

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