
Bio-solution develops and produces innovative bio-lab products.Focus of our product development is to design high quality customer-oriented”ready-to use” kits and premade buffer.

Recent products

Buffer PAA - PAGE gel elution of DNA

£210.00 / 294.00 Standard

Buffer Y1 - yeast lysis buffer

£210.00 / 294.00 Standard

Buffer G2 - digestion buffer

£450.00 / 630.00 Standard

Buffer C1 - cell lysis buffer

£210.00 / 294.00 Standard

Buffer B2 - bacterial lysis buffer

£450.00 / 630.00 Standard

Buffer B1 - bacterial lysis buffer

£150.00 / 210.00 Standard

Buffer FWB2

£120.00 / 168.00 Standard

Buffer QN

£210.00 / 294.00 Standard

Buffer QF

£210.00 / 294.00 Standard

Buffer QC

£210.00 / 294.00 Standard

Buffer QBT

£210.00 / 294.00 Standard

Buffer QXB - binding of large fragment to column

£450.00 / 630.00 Standard

Buffer Qx1 - solution and binding of agarose gel

£450.00 / 630.00 Standard

Buffer PE 5x

£210.00£399.00 / 294.00558.60 Standard

PB Buffer

£855.00 / 1,197.00 Standard

Buffer PB

£450.00 / 630.00 Standard

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