MidRanger 1kb DNA Ladder, 100 Loads

Norgen Biotek Corporation


The Norgen MidRanger 1 kb DNA Ladder is prepared to ensure quality and batch-to-batch consistency. Our MidRanger contains ten discrete fragments ranging from 300bp to 5000bp. This Ladder is ideal for sizing larger PCR products (>1kb) and most cloning applications. 

Recommended Use

For best results load 10 µL of Ladder per well.


Ladders are provided ready-to-use in loading dye:

10mM EDTA 10% glycerol 0.015% bromophenol blue 0.17% SDS

Stable at 22 to 25°C. -20°C recommended for longer term storage.

MidRanger 1kb DNA Ladder, 100 Loads
Shipping Standard

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100 loads

£69.00 / €96.60 11700

All prices shown are exclusive of VAT