Urine RNA Concentration, Preservation and Isolation Kit

Norgen Biotek Corporation


A user-friendly all-in-one procedure for the concentration, preservation and isolation of urine RNA at ambient temperatures






  • Rapid, user-friendly urine concentration
  • Sample concentration, preservation and RNA isolation in one convenient kit
  • Samples are non-infectious and can be handled and shipped safely
  • Preserved RNA is stable for years at ambient temperature
  • Each Urine Concentration Tube has a unique identifier code
  • Shipping accessories available to allow for shipping of preserved urine samples back to the lab for RNA isolation and analysis
  • High quality RNA is suitable for sensitive downstream assays including human or animal identity testing, SNP analysis and detection of bacteria, fungi or viruses
  • Ideal for epidemiological and population studies

Urine RNA Concentration, Preservation and Isolation Kit

Norgen’s Urine RNA Concentration, Preservation and Isolation Kit is an all-in-one solution designed for:

  1. Rapid and simple urine concentration;
  2. Preservation of RNA from concentrated urine samples at ambient temperature;
  3. Isolation of high quality, inhibitor-free urine RNA within a laboratory setting.

Norgen’s Urine RNA Concentration, Preservation and Isolation Kit contains Individual Urine Concentration and Preservation Devices, as well as the required columns and reagents for the subsequent laboratory isolation of the urine RNA from the preserved samples. Each of the Individual Urine Concentration and Preservation Devices consists of 2 key components: (1) a Urine Concentration Tube, and (2) Norgen’s Urine Preservative contained within sealed squeezable ampules.

Urine RNA that has been concentrated and preserved using the Urine Concentration and Preservation Device is stable for years at room temperature. This kit is ideal for concentrating, preserving, shipping and isolating RNA samples for epidemiological and population studies. The purified urine RNA is compatible with most molecular biological applications such as gene regulation and functional analysis, including RT-PCR, northern blotting and microarray analysis.

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Urine RNA Concentration, Preservation and Isolation Kit
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£625.00 / €875.00 38100

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